Dictionary Duster

Dictionary (xinhua zidian 10th ed), wood stick, cotton, 45 x 60 x 25 cm, 2022


Inspired by the form of a feather duster—a dusting tool typically made of feathers tied to one end of a vine or bamboo pole—this work repurposes strips of dictionaries to replace the feathers in the construction of the feather duster.

The feather duster, traditionally a symbol of domestic discipline, is reimagined to represent the influence of language and education on our perception of the world. By using traditional techniques and repurposing a dictionary, this work draws a parallel between how dictionaries teaches us language and how parents use feather dusters to instil correct values and discipline in us, particularly during our early, more mischievous years. Although the feather duster may carry a connotation of harshness, it symbolises the way we are guided in learning and connecting with the world. This piece highlights the significant role that both language education and parental guidance play in shaping our understanding and interaction with our surroundings.

